Looking for quotes–I’m ALL Ears!

How did the arts change my life? How do the arts REALLY make a difference? Let’s hear it from New Jersey!!!

Maybe you remember the John Amos story–how he would have ended up in prison except for the arts. Stepping over the crack vial and onto the stage instead. Those are the kind of stories I want to hear!

We all know the arts make a difference money wise–an over $1.5 billion industry in New Jersey–now I want to hear those truly personal stories. Email them to artpride@artpridenj.com PLEASE!!

2 responses to “Looking for quotes–I’m ALL Ears!

  1. hi, you may want to check for quotes here at http://www.quotelandia.com

  2. you may want to check for quotes here at http://www.quotelandia.com

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